Supported is a natural documentation complete. Supporting patients for government schemes benefits from today's child admission. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has continued to solve their problems on Twitter by observing the consistent attention of supportive users. Now you solve your problems with the help of social site Twitter.
There is no problem if you support or you have no sol in your mind, but you can answer your sol. For that you can rely on @guide and @ base_care. In addition, the Twitter handle of the Regional Center of the Support Center is also reviewed. Here too you can.
The 'chatbot' facility was launched in January this year
Earlier in January this year, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) launched the Aadhaar chatbot. This app responds to people's questions on the base chatbot. On it the user gets an answer to any query related to support. Chatbot is a software application that is as temporary as a chat interface. Those are Sol's answers with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
Support of 125 people in the country
A number of public figures released by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) in December 2019 examined the Aadhaar cards of about 125 citizens residing in the country. Support projects were implemented in the country in 2010.