Unlock-3 guidelines Declared
Unlock-3 guidelines issued, night curfew over-gym allowedThe Central Government has issued guidelines for Unlock-3. The guidelines issued by the Home Ministry have allowed the opening of the gym from August 5. The government has also lifted the night curfew.

* ◆ 💥 Unlock - 3 Guide Lines Revealed. *
E5 Stugusti Yoga Institute will be started
Country ● Country Country Country. .R .... ● ...........................
A cinema hall will be set up outside the containment zone
Swimming pools will be opened outside the containment zone
ૉ Unlock - 3rd person mask will be mandatory
સુધી School-College closed guest until 31st August
. The 15th of August can be celebrated with rules
● Restrictions on society and blindness remain
* Download Advanced Grinden PDF: *

The Home Ministry informed that after extensive discussions with the States and Union Territories, it has been decided that schools, colleges and coaching institutes will remain closed till August 31.
The Union Home Ministry has issued guidelines for Unlock 3. Under this, night curfew will no longer be applicable. Schools, colleges, public events will remain closed as before. Metro service can be started.
According to the guidelines, metro rails, cinema halls, swimming pools, amusement parks, theaters, bars, auditoriums, assembly halls can be opened except in the containment zones (where there are more cases of corona).