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How To Avoid Another Corona Wave: Get Flu Vaccine, Take Care Of Children, 5 Remedies To Prevent Corona

How To Avoid Another Corona Wave: Get Flu Vaccine, Take Care Of Children, 5 Remedies To Prevent Corona

With the onset of winter, cases of coronavirus are increasing rapidly in many European countries.  Dr. Vice President of the American Infectious Diseases Committee.  According to Sen, the biggest concern is how the Corona effect will last in the winter.  "We hope that in the winter we will stop spreading the corona," says Dr. Sen. "We have to be prepared in advance to prevent the corona in the winter. According to experts, there are some things you can do with the corona.  And half can be done with a medical facility.It is very important to be mentally prepared to fight.

Here are 5 ways you can prevent the spread of corona in your family. 

 1. Get the flu vaccine

 No corona vaccine has been introduced yet.  But we have to make sure that every member of our family is vaccinated against other diseases, including the flu.  This will be the first and most basic step to prevent corona in winter.
 The more healthy people in the family, the less likely they are to have coronary heart disease.  The state of health emergency around the world due to Corona is worrisome.  The hospital beds are reserved for corona emergencies.  In such cases, going to the hospital due to the common flu is no less of a challenge for health workers.  Apart from this, there is also a possibility of corona in the hospital.
 It is also important to avoid the common flu because it weakens our immunity.  We also have an increased risk of corona.  Experts believe that people should get the flu vaccine for 6 months.

 2. Be extra careful with children

 According to Dr. Eric Toner, a scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, no one knows when children's schools will open.  The children have been tied up at home for several days.  In such a situation, it is also necessary to worry about their mental health.  In addition, parents need to take special care to protect themselves from the corona virus in winter.
 If your child falls ill, it is important to take care of his or her health for the next 24 hours.  If his condition does not improve within 24 hours and he has any problem like fever, body aches, cough and chest pain, get his covid test done without delay.

 3. Take care of mental health

 Many people are facing the most mental stress and anxiety so far due to Kovid.  The biggest impact is on children and parents. According to Doy Harold, director of the American Child Mind Institute, thinking about what will happen tomorrow is the biggest cause of anxiety.  First of all parents have to stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow and also encourage children to get rid of this stress.
 Experts believe that the most important thing to fight corona is that we stay mentally healthy.  If we can't do that we will survive the corona but it can have a bad effect on our mental health.
 The second wave of Corona is coming in winter and it can be seen in Europe.  We have not yet been able to get out of the first phase and the second phase is coming.  In such a situation we have to prepare ourselves and the children mentally.

 4. Keep some items in stock for emergencies

 It may be that no one in your family has had a corona.  But we need to be prepared to deal with other illnesses.  Experts believe that the more we can avoid going to the hospital during this health emergency, the better.  We have to keep these 6 things in mind to avoid other diseases.

 Fever medicine
 Anti-bacterial medicine
 Hydrogen peroxide

 5. Strictly follow the starting guideline

 Dr.  According to Toner, it is necessary to stay indoors during the cold and flu season.  It is normal to get cold in such a season, but we still have to maintain social distance.  Not gathering crowds inside the house.  It is very dangerous to come in contact with anyone without a mask.  Corona's cases are on the rise again due to our negligence.
 Don't forget to wear a mask when walking around people.  Wash your hands constantly.  Also keep using sanitizer.  Strictly follow the 6 foot distance rule and stay away from indoor crowds.  Do not ignore any of the symptoms of corona.  If there is any problem, get the corona checked immediately.
 Dr.  Toner says we have evidence that this tiny little bit

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