Regarding the above subject, it is to be mentioned that the second day teleconference for the members of school management committee and school management and development committee has been organized from state level through BYSEG on 9/10/2030 from 11:00 am to 11:45 am and its re-broadcast.
It will be done on 9/10/2050 as well as on 9/10/2030 from 11:00 am to 11:45 am. In view of the current Koro epidemic situation, it is planned to give a 20-minute demonstration on air training of the members of SMC / SMDC on the issues to be taken into consideration by the Health Officer of the Health Department and a video film prepared by Shiksha Shiksha. This training does not have to call all the members at the same time, so as in the previous training, in primary and secondary schools, at the school level, all the members will be called on 2nd, 3rd and 4th October-2020 for 3 days (2 on the first day, 3 on the second day and 3 on the third day). Separate members) and three out of the total 16 members of SMDC (3 on the first day, 3 on the second day and 5 different members on the third day) will have to plan to attend the teleconference at school level.
Therefore, to make arrangements for teleconference to be telecast in all primary and secondary schools and to instruct the concerned to fully comply with the Corona Epidemic Guidelines when SMC / SMDC members come. In this teleconference, according to SMC / SMDC, school level will have to spend Rs.50 / - per member (for tea, coffee and snacks). Upon completion of the teleconference, the number of members present should be sent within 3 days as per the following form.