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UMANG-Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance

UMANG-Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance

Umang official app

Brought together Mobile Application for New-age Governance 

UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) is imagined to make e-administration 'portable first'. It is created by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and National e-Governance Division (NeGD). 

It is an advancing stage intended for residents of India to offer them admittance to the skillet India e-Gov administrations from the Central, State, Local Bodies, and Agencies of government on application, web, SMS, and IVR channels. 

Key Features: 

- Unified Platform: It unites all administration divisions and their administrations on a solitary stage to offer better and simpler types of assistance to residents. 

- Mobile First Strategy: It adjusts all taxpayer driven organizations with the portable first methodology to use versatile appropriation patterns. 

- Integration with Digital India Services: It furnishes consistent incorporation with other Digital India Services like Aadhaar, DigiLocker, and PayGov. Any new such help will consequently be coordinated with the stage. 

- Uniform Experience: It is intended to empower residents to find, download, access, and utilize all taxpayer supported organizations without any problem. 

- Secure and Scalable: It underpins Aadhaar-based and other validation systems for administration access. The touchy profile information is spared in a scrambled configuration and nobody can see this data. 

Key Services: 

UMANG gives simple admittance to a plenty of Indian taxpayer supported organizations going from – Healthcare, Finance, Education, Housing, Energy, Agriculture, Transport to even Utility and Employment and Skills. 

Key Benefits for Citizens: 

- Single-Point Ubiquitous Access: All taxpayer supported organizations are accessible for residents on a bound together stage for simple access through various on the web and disconnected channels (SMS, email, application, and web). 

- More for Less: Only a solitary portable application should be introduced rather than each application of every division. 

- Convenience: Citizens don't have to introduce or refresh the application again to benefit taxpayer driven organizations if more administrations are added to the stage. 

- Saving of Time and Money: Citizens can whenever and anyplace profit these administrations through their cell phones, work areas, and workstations with no requirement for visiting the division office and remaining in lines. 

UMANG Letest Apk 

- Uniform Experience: All the taxpayer driven organizations including installment based exchanges give secure and uniform insight.

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