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Stone Disease Stone Types Stone Remedies superb video by Nagjibhai Asodariya

Stone Disease Stone Types Stone Remedies superb video by Nagjibhai Asodariya

Ayurveda remedies for stones read more information

Getting Sindhav-salt in lemon juice and drinking it standing up dissolves the stones.

Calculus is an important kidney disease seen in many patients. Stones can cause excruciating pain but many patients do not have any discomfort despite having stones.
In some patients, stones can lead to urinary tract infections and kidney damage if not treated in time. It is very common to have stones once and for all. So it is important to know about stones and how to prevent them.

What is a stone?

Calcium oxalate or crystals in the urine combine with each other to form a hard substance in the urethra in the long run, known as stones.

What are the stones? What does it look like? Where is it found in the urethra?
Stones in the urethra vary in size, from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a ball. Some stones are round or elliptical and smooth on the outside. This type of stone is less painful and can be easily excreted naturally through urine.

Adding Sindhav-salt in cow's milk whey and drinking it daily in the morning for 215 days, the stones are excreted through urine and it is relaxed.
Licking the powder of gokharu in honey dissolves the stones.
A fine bowl of boron is crushed with water and the stone is crushed and excreted in the urine.
Getting lemon juice in coconut water and drinking it every morning removes stones.

    • Drinking karela juice with buttermilk removes stones.
      Extracting the juice of radish leaves, adding surokhar in it, drinking it daily dissolves stones.
      Drinking scaffold vegetable juice dissolves stones.
      Drinking old jaggery and turmeric in buttermilk dissolves stones.
      Drinking a decoction of black grapes dissolves stones.

    • Soaking 20 grams of kal at night, masali in the morning, straining the water in the morning every day removes stones.
      Making a soup of kalthi and drinking it with a pinch of salt dissolves the stones and the terrible pain caused by the stones disappears.
      Take four tolas of radish seeds and boil them in half a share of water. When half of the water is left, the stones are dissolved by drinking the extracted water.

    Boil wheat and chickpeas together, add a pinch of sorghum to it and drink it.
    Drinking a decoction of henna leaves removes stones.
    After removing the corn kernels, simply burn the doda, make its ashes, take 1 gram of this ashes with water in the morning and evening, the pain of stones is stopped by urinary retention.

    Take five tolas of buddy milk (milk) leaves and five tolas of henna leaves. Drink. Do not panic if the urine turns red. On the third day, the stones will be finely powdered and excreted in the urine.

    Eating 50 gms of onion juice mixed with 50 gms of sugar cane breaks down the stones and is excreted in the urine.

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