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Turmeric has also proved to be effective in relieving joint pain after cancer

Indigenous treatment of arthritis: Turmeric has also proved to be effective in relieving joint pain after cancer

  • The research was performed on 70 patients with arthritis suffering from knee pain and inflammation.
  • Patients were given two capsules of turmeric daily for 3 months.

If you have arthritis problem, you must include turmeric in your diet. Turmeric works like a pain killer to relieve joint pain. According to research conducted in Australia, turmeric has been shown to be effective in relieving knee pain..

The research lasted for 12 weeks

To understand the effect of turmeric, research was done on 70 patients with arthritis at Tezmania University in Australia. These patients were suffering from knee pain and swelling on the inside of their joints. They were given two capsules of turmeric daily for 12 weeks. Three months later the effect of turmeric was seen.

Those who were not given turmeric were in constant pain

According to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, patients experiencing knee pain who took turmeric supplements had less pain. No side effects were seen in them during this time. As well as patients who were not given turmeric had constant pain.

Scanning the knees of patients who took turmeric showed that it did not make any difference internally but the pain was less than necessary. According to the researchers, this requires a large-scale trial.

Indian researchers prove it protects against cancer

The Shri Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences in Thiruvananthapuram has obtained an American patent for the treatment of cancer with turmeric. The institute claims that curcumin in turmeric can cure cancer. According to the institute, the cancerous tumor will be treated with turmeric after removal from the body to destroy the tumor and prevent it from spreading in the body.

Why curcumin

Lead researcher Dr. According to Lisi Krishnan, curcumin in turmeric is easily absorbed into the body and fights cancer. Direct curcumin will be released into the tumor to destroy the cancer cells. It will directly attack the cancer cells without damaging the normal cells. Many researches have also proved that it destroys cancer cells.

These are also advantages

There has been previous research on turmeric, in which many of its benefits have been mentioned-

Increases the ability to fight diseases: According to Ayurveda, turmeric has also been used as a medicine for thousands of years. It has anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties that make it a superfood. Incorporating it into the diet increases the ability to fight many diseases. Ayurvedic experts have also advised to drink turmeric milk during Corona period.

Keeps the brain healthy: Curcumin in turmeric increases the levels of BDNF hormones in the brain which make new cells in the brain. It also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia.

તંદુરસ્તીનો મંત્રઃ લાંબી ઉંમર સુધી સ્વસ્થ રહેવા માંગતા હોવ તો અપનાવો આ આદતો


important link::

Curcumin also works as an antidepressant, according to a study of 60 people. Which helps reduce depression. Research has found evidence that it helps release happy hormones such as dopamine.

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